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AI Sermon Feedback
Get feedback on your sermon before preaching the sermon, not just afterwards. Preach in Bongo and allow the AI Coach to let you know if your sermon progresses smoothly, has clear content, and presented with compelling rhetoric.
Bongo uses expectations based on objectives Homily has set for your sermons—clear, compelling, and Christ-centered.
Practice and get feedback before preaching your sermon
Upload your sermon afterwards and get recommendations for your next sermon
Ai sermon Feedback
Watch video for detailed explanation
No. Bongo only evaluates the clarity and cohesiveness of the content and delivery of your sermon. It evaluates your content based on the parameters inputed in the various sermon rubic templates.
Homily has created various rubric templates that evaluates different aspects of your sermon based on the genre and testament from which you are preaching.
Yes, you can practice a sermon as many times as you want before preaching, or upload every sermon you preach afterwards to get continued feedback and see growth over time.
The human sermon evaluation includes Bongo’s AI feedback, but it also includes detailed feedback from one of our coaches. A coach will watch your sermon and give expert, nuanced advice about what you did well and what you can do to improve.